A criminal drug case. An ABSOLUTE PERFECT FIND!!!!! A routine traffic stop turned into a criminal drug case. Facing 5-15yrs and over $15,000 in fines and offenses. Perused the internet looking for that perfect attorney. My son, honor student, junior in college, frat boy, pulled over in Mercer County NJ for a routine traffic stop. Officer had inclination there was drugs/ paraphernalia inside vehicle, stated there was a faint smell of Marijuana coming from vehicle and with consent did a full search of said vehicle. Findings were: 2lbs of Marijuana, paraphernalia including a scale and other miscellaneous accessories inside the trunk of the vehicle. On his person, the findings were $3,000 cash monies. Arrested, fingerprinted, said vehicle confiscated, said drugs, paraphernalia and monies confiscated and a criminal case just on the horizon. An absolute miracle finding Cliff for representation. His extreme interest in the case, endless hours of hard work and his absolute knowledge of the law led us from a criminal drug case to a COMPLETE DISMISSAL!!!! Yes, a dismissal. Charged with drug possession, intent to distribute and numerous other offenses Cliff got the results we were looking for. The consificated vehicle returned and the case dismissed. An absolute miracle!!! Cliff couldn't have done a better job. Stayed in close contact with us the entire time the case was being worked out, always forth coming with information as he got it and never felt "out of the loop" the entire time. Was almost like a dream. He made us feel comfortable with the law, complete explanations of any and all questions and oh so very knowledgeable of the law. Definitely a super attorney, family guy and now considered a family friend. Could never express enough our deep appreciation for all that he has done. Very highly recommended and respected. Looking for an attorney, look no further, your search is over, he's #1 in his profession.